Thursday, December 25, 2008

Druff Estate - Introduction & Backstory

The Druff house is an offshoot of the Wieser household, and most of their story to date is told there. This post will follow up with the Druffs on their new lot as they start their own household separate from Bud Wieser's. I didn't play them for very long after moving them to their new house, but there is still a little more of their story left to tell. But first, a recap of the residents here.

Dan Druff
Dan Druff
Aspiration: Knowledge/Family
LTW: Become Chief of Staff; Become Mad Scientist
Hobby: Sports
Zodiac: Gemini
Turn Ons: Fitness, Vampirism
Turn Off: Fatness
Personality: 4 Neat, 7 Outgoing, 8 Active, 3 Playful, 3 Nice
Badges: Silver Fishing

Misty (Cupp) Druff
Misty (Cupp) Druff
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become City Planner
Hobby: Sports
Zodiac: Gemini
Turn Ons: Fitness, Vampirism
Turn Off: Fatness
Personality: 4 Neat, 7 Outgoing, 8 Active, 3 Playful, 3 Nice
Badges: None

Nathan Druff
Nathan Druff
Aspiration: Pleasure
LTW: Become Game Designer
Hobby: Fitness
Zodiac: Gemini
Turn Ons: Creative, Good at Cleaning
Turn Off: Makeup
Personality: 2 Neat, 10 Outgoing, 10 Active, 6 Playful, 7 Nice
Badges: None

Neville Druff
Neville Druff
Aspiration: Grow Up
Hobby: Fitness
Zodiac: Scorpio
Turn Ons: N/A
Turn Off: N/A
Personality: 10 Neat, 8 Outgoing, 10 Active, 4 Playful, 3 Nice
Badges: None

Norris Druff
Norris Druff
Aspiration: Grow Up
Hobby: Games
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Turn Ons: N/A
Turn Off: N/A
Personality: 4 Neat, 2 Outgoing, 8 Active, 10 Playful, 3 Nice
Badges: None

After Misty had been eaten by her cowplant a second time, Dan decided enough was enough. There was a newly renovated old Victorianesque house around the corner that was up for sale, so he quickly purchased it, packed up himself and his 3 sons and moved them there, leaving Misty's grave and her cowplant behind. He didn't want to risk losing any of his sons to the nasty thing as well.

Meanwhile, back at the Wieser house, Bud decided that it was worth bringing Misty back from the dead once more so that his friend Dan's family could be complete. He made the call, but this time when Misty came back, she had no memory of Dan whatsoever. She did remember her children, however, and when one of them called she eagerly accepted the invitation to come over to their new house as she was anxious to see them again. She was at first puzzled about who the man was they were living with, but once he began talking to her and took her into his arms to give her a kiss, it all came flooding back. She happily accepted his invitation to move in with them. And so, the family was once again whole.

Shortly after moving, their oldest son Nathan had his transition to teen, followed a few days later by their son Norris transitioning to toddler. They decided that it was time to see if they could get Nathan and Neville into private school, and so they called up the headmaster and invited him over for dinner. Things with the dinner went rough for awhile*, but in the end the headmaster agreed to accept the boys into his school and told them that they could start the next day.

* Actually, it took me about 4 attempts at the headmaster scenario, leaving without saving in between each one, before I could get it to work. Each time I kept either being glitchy, or I simply messed up on it since I hadn't attempted it for a long time and had forgotten how to do it all. In the first attempt, Norris wanted to transition to toddler right in the middle of it, which distracted everyone from what they were doing with the headmaster. And from there it was just a disaster. They were rejected and Misty promptly went into aspiration failure since, as a Knowledge sim, she had a fear of her sons being rejected. Dan was already permaplat by this point from achieving his LTW, so it didn't affect him so much. For the second attempt, I had Nathan grow Norris up ahead of time and then kept Norris busy playing with one of his toys up in the nursery, flagrantly cheating his needs up to max so no one would get worried about him being hungry or anything and interrupt what they were doing with the headmaster. I'd planned for Dan to make a sparkly fish dish for dinner, but the butler had made hamburgers before then and everyone had filled up on those. Traffic in the smallish kitchen got jammed up, I had to keep fighting everyone to keep them on task, and again, it was a disaster. Third try, I turned free will off temporarily so they wouldn't keep trying to wander off on their own. I cheated motives up to max ahead of time to keep the butler from preparing a meal that wasn't on the agenda, then pulled them back down when it was time for dinner so they'd eat and not end up fat. But again, I couldn't figure out why the headmaster wouldn't come when I used the "Call to Dinner...Guests" on the plate of fish. Eventually I figured out I had to use the "Entertain...Call to dinner" option instead to get him to sit down, but by the time I did, time had pretty much run out and it failed again. So, exit, try again with free will still turned off for the lot. And the 4th time was a charm. Tour went great, as it had all of the previous times pretty much since I gave them a pretty nicely furnished house, I got him to come to dinner alright and it got high points on the scenario. In fact, between the tour and the dinner of sparkly fish it scored something like 101/90, and the scenario ended in a success well ahead of the time limit. I'll have to practice with this some more in other households so I can get the hang of it better. I think that dismissing the butler early that day, if there is one, might help, since he seemed to just get in the way. I'll also not attempt it on a day that someone in the house is due to have a birthday, especially if it's a baby that requires help to grow up.

I left off playing this house after the headmaster scenario had finished and they'd been accepted. Before I close this post, however, here are a few more pics of them:

Norris as a toddler playing with his xylophone

Norris plays the xylophone

A screenshot of the lot info on the neighborhood screen the way it looks currently

Lot Information on 12/20/08


ASimWen said...

Who woulda thunk it? Misty and Dan??? hehehe